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Who We Are

Rent a Greek Home is powered by Path Travel Designs, a boutique online travel hub with a taste for authenticity, style and comfort. Our passion for all that is Greece and our deep knowledge of its secrets, beyond the usual tourist routes, guarantees the quality of our services.

Bear in mind, our services can always be fully tailored to your own likes and needs. They include anything from designing part, or the whole of your trip to Greece from A to Z, providing priceless travel tips, offering you a number of select and exclusively hand-picked accommodation options, exciting and remarkable experiences, tours and cruises, to linking you to a range of exceptional quality concierge services in Greece.

All in all, our mission is to serve as your own personal boutique travel services hub, designed to assist you in creating your own travel path, to and shape it in the way that will make your experience as individualised, tailor-made and exceptional as possible. We want you to delight in travel experiences that can hardly ever be forgotten.

Our aim is for you to get the most out of your trip to Greece.

Check out the Path Travel Designs website to find out more.

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